Frequently Asked questions

What do I pack?

Always put your or your child’s FULL NAME on as many items as possible. Pack as lightly as you can! Your camper will be carrying their pack through the day. Keep it light and tight! Everything should fit into a single pack—No toys are allowed, cell phones will be limited. You can find a list HERE.

Do I need photo ID?

Everyone picking up a child must show a legal photo ID during Check-Out. We understand that the unexpected can occur. Please list anyone who is able to pick up your child on the registration form, or email us if it is last minute as we wont always have cell service. Our goal is to prioritize the safety of your child.

Do you offer after care?

We do not yet have an after care program, but when we do, we will let you know!

Do you accept children with a diagnosis?

Parents and guardians are required to inform Adventure Academy in writing of any special needs which may affect the child’s ability to participate fully and within the guidelines of acceptable behavior, including, but not limited to, any serious behavioral problems or special circumstances regarding psychological, medical, or physical conditions. Once the notice is submitted, a phone call will be scheduled with the parent/guardian to discuss the special circumstances and whether Adventure Academy can accommodate the circumstances.

Where do you go and how do you get there?

This is an off site program, meaning we travel from the drop-off location to remote areas and locations. We go beyond the paved paths! We choose our sites based-on our daily goals. Our travel times vary, but we don’t like to go more than 45 minutes each way. Rare occasions such as Air Quality, may have a longer travel time. Campers are transported on passenger vans, by fully-licensed and qualified drivers. Safety is our number one goal and we follow all carseat safety guidelines as set forth by the NHTSA. Please bring a booster if your child requires one.

We want to attend multiple camps. Is there a discount?

Yes! Just send us an email and we will send you a discount code :)

My child isn’t 6 yet, can we sign up?

Due to the nature of our program, we ask that Each child is at least 6 years of age. However, we are happy to make exceptions as we see fit. Please get in contact with us to discuss your request.

Where is pick up and drop off?

Adventure Academy is happy to announce that we have partnered with the Sandy Community Center and will be landing in the dining room each day for pick up and drop off!

Refund Policy

Registration and payment for each Camp must be completed online and full payment is required at the time of booking to reserve the child’s space and is non-refundable. Participants may sign up for any or all the weekly camps. There will be no prorating of fees for any days a child participant cannot attend. If any changes need to be made to an existing order, there may be an administration fee associated with it, depending on the nature of the request.